Saturday 14 July 2007

Grown up 14.07.07

I have come to the conclusion I am not really much of a grown up. Well not to look at anyway. I am sat at my colleagues desk covering for her day off and I look a right mess. I have a stain on my left boob where the melon decided to drip, remnants of chain lubricant from work, noodles just eaten and cat fluff. So I conclude I look barely grown up let alone a branch manager! Than again what is grown up? If it is wandering if your going to make enough money to cover bills, out goings and getting to the damn job then yes I am. If its getting home and attempting to make something half edible with the mother Hubbard's cupboard contents then yep, I am grown up. Listening to my friends repeat themselves over and over again about how crappy their partners are and how 'that's it this time' for the millionth time, that would be me, go the grown up. If however it is not crying at Never ending story when Artex is swallowed by the Nothing or watching Green Mile and being reduced to snot bubbles, then hey I am a kid. Not being able to quit get spaghetti bolognaise from plate to mouth without going via top, nope I am a child. Fish and chips being a treat and getting excited at the simplest of things and I am happy to be child like. All those years where I was told 'School years are the best of your life' ha I could not wait to leave. Right now I would love to go back! It may not have been easy but it was a doddle compared to 'growing up'. The only change from school to grown up is bills. You still have the same 'bullies' floating around except now they come more smartly dressed and brush their teeth. There is still the dread of bumping into people you 'fancy' while looking like a frump and you still need to please 'teacher' or your 'grades' will forever be low. Well enough for today. I am gonna go back to watching unicorns and fairies float around the yard gracefully whilst ingnoring the smog and noise that is actually there. Its great being a kid.

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